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I feel highly honoured to be requested and it is also a great pleasure for meto write an introduction to Dr. Veitch Chu's Book on Typhoid Fever. First of allI want to congratulate my old friend Dr. Chu on the occasion of publishing hisbook, on which as I know he worked for many many years.

I had the opportunity to work with him in prewar days together in ourjoined clinic and during this time, I had the possibility to learn and to appreci-ate deeply his profound knowledge and valuable assistance at our mutual work,his charming and excellent personality and his great experience in the medicalpractice.

Dr. Chu is not only a famous Chinese Physician who works according tothe Chinese medical study using Chinese medicines but he has also a greatknowledge of the Western medicine.


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  • 民国伤寒学精义



    319字 29
  • 民国伤寒学精义


    (一节〔3〕)太阳之为病,脉浮,头项强痛而恶寒。(二节) 太阳病,发热,汗出,恶风,脉缓者,名为中风。(三节)太阳病,或已发热,或未发热,必恶寒,体痛,呕逆,脉阴阳俱紧者,名曰伤寒。(四节) 伤寒一日

    4458字 53
  • 民国伤寒学精义


    (六节) 太阳病,发热而渴, 不恶寒者为温病。发汗已, 身灼热者,名曰风温。风温为病, 脉阴阳俱浮, 自汗出, 身重, 多眠睡,息必鼾〔2〕,语言难出。若被下者, 小便不利, 直视失溲; 若被火者,微

    3769字 24
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    第二章 六经之命名


    2672字 19
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    第一节 阴阳


    704字 48