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n [C] ① a measure of time equal to about 365 days, which is the amount of time it takes for the earth to travel completely round the sun 太阳年 ② a period from 1 January to 31 December 年:I arrived here five ~s ago today. 5年前的今天我来到此地。/~ in, ~ out 年复一年/As it happened so many ~s ago, I don't remember the details. 因为年岁久远,当时的具体情况已记不清了。③ a period of a year or about a year in the life of an organization 年度:the school ~ 学年/the financial ~ 财政年度 ④ [pl] age, esp old age [复] 年纪;岁数:He is twenty ~s old. 他今年20岁。/The fewer his ~s the fewer his tears. [谚] 年纪越小,眼泪越少。年少不知愁。

【搭】 介:at fifty ~s of ......     (共768字)    [阅读本文]>>



  • 英语常用词


    n ① [C] a fourth part of a whole; :a ~ of a mile 英里/a mile and a ~ 1英里 ② [C] fifteen minutes before

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  • a

    indef art [A is used before a consonant sound; an is used before a vowel sound.] 不定冠词[a 用于辅音音素前; an

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  • abandon

    Ⅰ vt ① give up completely or forever 彻底放弃;抛弃:They ~ed the attempt to climb up the mountain. 他们放弃了登山

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  • abide

    (pt & pp abode [ǝ′bǝud] or ~d) Ⅰ vt [esp in neg & inter] bear; tolerate [尤用于否定及

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  • ability

    n ① [U] power 能力: He has the ~ to analyse and solve problems. 他有分析问题和解决问题的能力。/the ~ of a magnet to a

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