n ① [U] power 能力: He has the ~ to analyse and solve problems. 他有分析问题和解决问题的能力。/the ~ of a magnet to attract iron 磁铁吸铁的能力/They two are of about the same ~.他俩能力不相上下。/He has the ~ to write compositions in English. 他能用英语写作文。/I doubt his ~ to translate. 我怀疑他的翻译能力。 ② [U] cleverness; intelligence; skill 聪明;才智;才能:a workman of great ~ 极有才能的工人/leadership ~ 领导才干/He is full of diplomatic ~. 他富有外交才能。/He shows more than average ~ in this direction.他在这方面显示出的才能超过了一般水平。/refrain from showing one's ~ 不露锋芒/Our ancestors were celebrated for their inventive ~. 我们的祖 ...... (共1073字) [阅读本文]>>