vt ① chase in order to catch, kill, or defeat 追捕;追杀;追赶:The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner. 警察在追捕一逃犯。/~ and attack the enemy 追击敌人 ② follow closely; show continual attention to 追随;跟随:The ship ~d a northern course. 船向北航行。 ③ (of sth harmful) follow and cause suffering to (指有害事物)纠缠:Illness ~d her till her death. 她一直疾病缠身,直到她去世。 /Detraction ~s the great. [谚]人大招物议,树大惹风吹。人怕出名猪怕壮。 ④ make continual efforts to gain (sth) 追求;寻求:He had reached the aim he had ~d. 他达到了追求的目标。/He keeps going round and round pursuing his own selfish interests. 他老在个人利益的小圈子里打转。 ...... (共847字) [阅读本文]>>