adj ① unmixed with any other substance 不掺杂的;纯的:~ silver 纯银/This garment is made of ~ wool. 这件衣服是纯毛的。 ② clean; free from dirt, dust, bacteria, or any harmful matter 洁净的;无垢的;无尘的;无菌的:The air by the sea is ~. 海边空气洁净。/~ drinking water 清洁的饮水 ③ free from evil 纯洁的:She was a ~ girl. 她是个纯洁的姑娘。 ④ (of color or sound) clear; unmixed with other colors or sounds (指颜色或声音)清亮的;圆润的:a ~ note 一个清亮的音调/It was a sunny day with a cloudless sky of the ~st blue. 那是一个晴朗的日子,蔚蓝的天空没有一丝云彩。 ⑤ [colloq] complete; thorough [口]完全的;彻底的:I met her by ~ chance. 我完 ...... (共910字) [阅读本文]>>