n [C] a person, esp a child, who is being taught 学生(尤指小学生):There are five hundred ~s in this primary school. 这所小学有500名学生。
【辨】 pupil, student:
Pupil is applied either to a child in school or to a person who is under the personal supervision of a teacher. 本词既可用于指学校里的孩子,也可指教师个人管教的人:Harold was a ~ of Daniel Jones. 哈罗德是丹尼尔·琼斯的学生。
Student is applied either to one attending an institution above the elementary level or to one who is making a study of particular problems. 本词既可用于小学以上水平的学生,也可指研究专门问题的学生:a college ~ 大学生/a ~ of social problems 研究社会问题的学 ...... (共547字) [阅读本文]>>