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vt ① take or suck in(liquids)吸收(液体):A sponge ~s water. 海绵吸水。 ② take in (knowledge, ideas, etc) 吸收(知识、意见等): ~ the quintessence 吸取精华 ③ [with in] take up all the attention, interest, time, etc, of [与in连用] 吸引注意;使专心:He was entirely ~ed in his work.他只顾他的事。/be ~ed in study专心读书

【搭】 介: ~ moisture from the air 从空气中吸收水分/~ foods into one's body把食物吸收到身体 ......     (共348字)    [阅读本文]>>



  • 英语常用词


    n ① [C] a fourth part of a whole; :a ~ of a mile 英里/a mile and a ~ 1英里 ② [C] fifteen minutes before

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  • 英语常用词


    n [C] ① a measure of time equal to about 365 days, which is the amount of time it takes for the ear

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  • a

    indef art [A is used before a consonant sound; an is used before a vowel sound.] 不定冠词[a 用于辅音音素前; an

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  • abandon

    Ⅰ vt ① give up completely or forever 彻底放弃;抛弃:They ~ed the attempt to climb up the mountain. 他们放弃了登山

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  • abide

    (pt & pp abode [ǝ′bǝud] or ~d) Ⅰ vt [esp in neg & inter] bear; tolerate [尤用于否定及

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