Called the “father of many nations” he left his native home of Urnear Babylon with his family in obedience to a call from God,travellingNorthwest until he ultimately settled in Canaan (Gen. 12). His wife Sarahwas unable to have children,so she followed a traditional custom and present-ed Abraham with her personal female slave (Hagar) so that he might father achild (Gen. 16). Hagar,with her son Ishmael was then rejected by Sarah andforced to leave the family circle. Eventually,at a very old age,Sarah did beara son Isaac(Gen. 21). God tested Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrificethis only son as an offering. When Abraham proceeded to obey,God inter-vened at the last moment and provided a ram for the burnt offering (Gen.22). After the death of Sarah,Abraham married Ketu ...... (共1644字) [阅读本文]>>