Lesson 7 Floating Production Storage and Offloading System
Keywords and Expressions
FPSO (floating production storage and offloading system):浮式生产储油外输平台
FSO (floating storage and offloading):浮式储油外输平台
Shuttle tanker:穿梭油轮
CALM (catenary anchor leg mooring):悬链线锚腿系泊系统
Single-point mooring:单点系泊系统
Turret mooring:转塔系泊系统
Water injection:淡水回注
Process module:处理模块
7.1 History
Over the past 25 years, ship-shaped offshore units have proven to be reasonably reliable, cost-effective solutions for the development of offshore fields in deep waters worldwide. These include FPSOs or FSOs operating in harsh environmental areas and also waters of more than 1,000m ...... (共9446字) [阅读本文]>>