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adj. ①sudden and unexpected突然的,意外的:an ~ bend急转弯/an ~ change骤然变化/an ~ ending突然终止/I don't know the cause of his abrupt leave.我不知道他突然离去的原因。/There were abrupt weather changes.天有不测风云。②(of behaviour,character,etc.) not wanting to waste time being nice;rough;curt唐突的,鲁莽的:an ~ manner无礼的态度/She always sounds abrupt on the telephone.在电话中听起来她总像很无礼。③(of a slope) very steep陡峭的:an ~ peak突兀的险峰/an ~ slope陡峭的斜坡

□abruptly adv. 突然地,猛然地/abruptness n. 突然,意 ......     (共445字)    [阅读本文]>>



  • 高阶英汉双解


    adj. ①not present (at sth.);at another place 缺席的,不在场的:~ friends不在场的朋友 ②not existing;lack 缺乏的,不存在的:Sn

    369字 20
  • A,a

    ■n. /eI/(pl.A's or a's) ①the first letter of the alphabet 英语字母表中的第1个字母 ②the sixth note of the diato

    688字 86
  • A1

    n. a main British road that goes from London to Edinburgh A1公路

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  • A3

    n. ①a standard European size of paper, 420×297mm 欧洲标准的纸张规格 ②paper of this size 此种规格的纸张

    88字 69
  • A4

    n. a standard size of paper in the EU(European Union), which is 21 centimetres by 29.7 centimetres A

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