①(用于句末表示赞叹):多好的地方 ~! What a place! 这是多么鼓舞人心的消息 ~! What inspiring news this is! ② (用于句末表示肯定、辩解、催促、嘱咐等):你这话说得是 ~。 What you say is quite true. 我做这事是因为他们请我做 ~! I did it because they asked me to do it! 快跟我走 ~! Quick,come with me! 你可要小心 ~! Do be careful! ③ (用于句末表示疑问):你们哪天去旅行 ~? When are you going to start on your journey? ④ (用于句中稍作停顿,让人注意下面的话):你~,老这样下去可不行! Look! You can't go on like this. ⑤ (用于列举的事项之后):茄子 ~,黄瓜 ~,卷心菜 ~,西红柿 ~,各种蔬菜摆满了货架。 The shelves were filled wi ...... (共651字) [阅读本文]>>