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  • abandon

    v.1.go away from, not intending to return to:forsake:抛弃;遗弃:to abandon a child 遗弃小孩—— to foster a chi

    369字 253
  • abate

    v.1.become less:减弱;减退:The wind is abating.风力正在减弱。 ——The wind is rising.风力正在增强。2. make less:使减弱;使减退:t

    207字 183
  • abdicate

    v.1. give up officially (an official position):退(位);辞(职):to abdicate the office 辞职 —— to assume offi

    303字 106
  • abide

    v.keep:遵守:to abide by one's promise遵守诺言——to break one's promise违背诺言

    76字 151
  • ability

    n.power and skill:能力:to have ability to do the work有能力干这项工作——to confess inability to do the work承认无能

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